Completed Projects

Completed Projects FY 2024-2025

Northwoods Traverse

Project to implement a case management tool for two out of four social service agencies in Phase I.

Soil & Water- Economic Development Grant Program

Project to implement an automated application process for citizens applying for grant funding.

Administration of Court- Funds Automation

Project to ensure jurors are paid via electronic issuance.

Social Services- Scheduler Application and MS Teams Integration

Project to build a portal in which scheduler and teams can sync together to provide a forward-facing public scheduling system.

RAVE alert

Project to implement a solution to alert employees to impactful notifications.

Diversion Client Application

Project to develop a database for the Youth Home to manage client data, assessments, documents, resources, treatment plans, and follow-up information.

MED Website Landing Page

Project to create a landing page for MED Week Events with event descriptions, registration links, and payment options.

Supplier Diversity Website

Project to build and implement a new website for the supplier diversity program.

Mobile Phone Registration Audit

Project to build a form to capture and maintain all departmental mobile data.

Equitable Well-Being Website

Project to build and implement a new website for the equitable well-being department.

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Completed Projects FY 2023-2024

Info-Tech: DCo ERP Solution Selection Phase I

Project to engage a consulting partner for developing a strategy and roadmap to replace or upgrade Durham County’s ERP system, focusing on integrating core functions like finance, HR, and procurement.

Polaris Integration

Project to migrate library data from a SirsiDynix-hosted database to a Polaris-hosted database.

PH Vaccination Form/App build

Project to create a form for public health employees to upload vaccination status, including tuberculosis and hepatitis, with a dashboard for tracking submissions and approvals.

Modifications to Software Procurement/Renewal Process

Project to revise the software purchasing and renewal process to improve communication, ensure use of ServiceNow forms, and eliminate time-sensitive email approval requests.

Gravity Acct Software

Project to implement Gravity, a cloud-based MS Power Platform, for automating and designing Durham County’s Annual and Popular Financial Reports without ERP integration.

YH Construction-Guardian RFID

Project to equip the new Youth Home facility with Guardian RFID security system, integrating wireless hardware and software to enhance employee compliance, defensibility, and productivity for a safer environment.

Redwood Convenience Site Renovation​

Project to equip a newly renovated site with essential IT infrastructure, including networking, VOIP, and internet, to enhance customer experience, safety, and overall operations.

SpeakWrite (Transcription Services)

Project to implement SpeakWrite transcription service for use by social workers in Durham County’s Department of Social Services.

DCo Thrives Website

Project to develop a new DCo Thrives webpage.

Create new MWBE web page and registration form

Project to develop a new MWBE webpage and registration form for promoting minority and women-owned business participation in Durham County.

Installation of S2 & Video Surveillance

Project to install S2 and video surveillance systems at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Fleet Commander

Project to implement a web-based system for optimizing shared vehicle fleet usage, reducing costs, and improving the driver experience through online reservations and automated fleet management.

BitSight Security Monitoring

Project to implement BitSight security rating software.

Strategic P/CM- DCo Forward site redesign

Project to redesign the current Strategic Plan site for Durham County’s new Strategic Plan, DCO Forward 2029.

Transportation – Website

Project to revamp the Transportation Department’s public website for improved user experience and accessibility.

VA site redesign

Project to update the Veterans Administration’s site on Durham County’s platform, including public registration forms.

DCo On The Go Web section and Application Form

Project to create an application form and web pages for the DCo on the Go Bus.

HR Employee Mandatory Vaccination

Project to develop a form for public health employees to upload vaccination status, including tuberculosis and hepatitis, with a dashboard for tracking submissions and approvals.

Creation of DCo webpage for Durham United Habitat for Humanity

Project to create a website for Durham Habitat for Humanity.

Clerk of Superior Court- Website Creation

Project to create a web presence for NC Courts on, ensuring a design consistent with customer preferences.

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Completed Projects FY 2022-2023

Durham County EMS Medical Incident Review Database

Project to develop a database for Durham County EMS to track significant clinical concerns, featuring an intake form for supervisory staff and secure, HIPAA-compliant storage for event reporting, investigation, and follow-up.

Replace Phishing simulator to Managed Service

Project to replace the current Phishing Simulator with a managed service for improved security training in Durham County.

Precinct Official Management Application

Project to implement a system for managing temporary personnel at polling places and early voting sites, replacing the Volunteer Hub.

MS Bookings Service/Application

Project to create a MS booking application for the Register of Deeds.

Payroll: Online W2

Project to implement online W2s for employees.

PIO Next Request Public Records Portal

Project to configure the Next Request Portal for managing public records requests across Durham County.

HR Management Leave form

Project to develop an HR Management leave form.

Fire / EMS workflow Efficiency Project

Project to develop a system to streamline the permit process for Fire and EMS services, improving overall efficiency.

Elections Mobile App

Project to develop a mobile app for Durham County voters to access essential election information.

Child Welfare Laserfiche Forms Workflow

Project to develop a workflow for initiating forms with worker signatures, supervisor approval, and signature capabilities, with completed forms stored in Laserfiche.

Establish Secure portal to Receive Vendor Forms

Project to implement and build a secure financial portal.

Field App for Engineering

Project to custom build an app that automates the workflow for engineering inspections.

Contract Bid Intake Process- Finance

Project to create an application for vendors to upload documents for the bid process, used by the Finance Department’s Purchasing Division.

Medicated Assisted Treatment Implementation

Project to implement and track MAT (for substance use) with clients located at the Justice Center.

EMS OSMCT migration 2.2-23

Project to enable the OSMCT dispatch application on ambulances, integrating it with the city 911 center for improved emergency response coordination.

Contract Internal Tracking App

Project to develop an internal app for General Services to track contract requests, monitor expiration dates, and send notifications for recent submissions.

Changes to DSS mobile App

Project to improve the DSS mobile app by simplifying navigation, making it easier for the public to find services without needing to know specific programs.

CJRC- Data Sets & Database Creation

Project to transition from semiannual data extracts to a daily update system for AOC data, ensuring timely and accurate information via secure transmission.

Add Video Conferencing Capabilities to Admin II Conference Rooms

Project to equip Admin 2 conference rooms 126, 461, and 466 with video conferencing capabilities to support hybrid meetings. Project to build and implement a new website for the equitable well-being department.

B2G Now- Finance

Project to implement diversity management and compliance software for contracted services.

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